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What is Email Marketing? What are the advantages?

Brands, businesses, product promotion, information, celebration, etc. in order to reach a certain target audience. Preferring the e-mail method in messages with content such as 'e-mail marketing' is called.

fulkar digital email marketing

From the first e-mail sent by Ray Tomlinson until today, e-mail has been used as a very active communication type, especially in the business world. In these days when everyone is at home and things are handled remotely, it has become one of the methods that has gained much more importance. E-mail, which is preferred both for bilateral communications and relations between brands and their customers, increases its preferability due to its easy usability and accessibility.

What is Email Marketing?

Brands, businesses, product promotion, information, celebration, etc. in order to reach a certain target audience. Preferring the e-mail method in messages with such content is called 'e-mail marketing'. E-mail marketing, which started to take more place in our lives with Web 2.0; It is a more strategic, more up-to-date, more measurable and more creative type of communication than the old communication types.


E-mail marketing, which provides the opportunity to communicate directly and without intermediaries with the target audience, enables brands to get high conversions. Creating the right content at the right time for the right audience is the most basic goal of good email marketing. A good strategy realized in this direction provides a very high material and moral gain to the brands.


So, what are the features that make e-mail marketing so important and preferable? Why do our mailboxes come up with unread mails every day? Let's summarize these features in 6 items;


Lower costs

Digital marketing activities, which require less cost than traditional marketing methods, have been more preferable in recent years. E-mail marketing, which is one of the sub-breakdowns of digital marketing, is also much cheaper than other communication methods. E-mail marketing, which is generally used as sales-oriented, has the possibility of a conversion rate that will balance the spent budget.



In e-mail marketing, brands can categorize their target audiences according to certain characteristics (age, education, gender, marital status, geographical region, etc.). Thus, being able to forward e-mails to a certain destination increases the conversion rate.



One of the most important features of e-mail marketing, personalization allows brands to communicate by addressing people by name.


Short Transmission Time

In e-mail marketing, which is carried out with a target audience, it is ensured that the message sent instantly reaches the specified users. The fact that speed is one of the most important competitive advantages of today increases the importance of this feature of e-mail.


Ease of Tracking and Analysis

In e-mail marketing, the follow-up of the communication process is much easier than other communication methods. Thanks to the developed sending tools, it is possible to track who opened or deleted the e-mail, and who read the e-mail. Since this follow-up can facilitate the analysis of the actions of the messages sent in the process, it facilitates the work of the brands in strategy development.


When e-mail marketing is used together with other communication strategies, it becomes one of the most important marketing communication tools of a brand. Correct email marketing is one of the most important factors in the formation of a strong brand identity.


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